Monday 27 September 2010

If you are a Journalist...

1. Must wear a smile ALL the time. Most times you dont know the people you are smiling at.
2. Must like coffee. So your doing a story and meeting a few people for that, enter their office and give you a cup of coffee. You like it or not it comes to you, so must drink it.
3. You meet some of the most interesting people and gather some of the most interesting information.
4. Get to see things before the world does. Eg: I went for this event and saw the new ad of Hyundai i10, which is still not released.
5. Hear to some of the most boring lectures ever. Even when you know your not going to publish it, you cant get out coz it would be rude and also theres some yummy food waiting.
6. You work at odd hours before production.
7. The 'press ID card' you hold makes you feel very important.

Thats all i think of right now, will keep updating :)


  1. and I think u have all the qualities in u....starting from holding a smile for everything...Keep up the good work!!

  2. hehe thats true =) thanks swe :)
