Monday 27 September 2010

If you are a Journalist...

1. Must wear a smile ALL the time. Most times you dont know the people you are smiling at.
2. Must like coffee. So your doing a story and meeting a few people for that, enter their office and give you a cup of coffee. You like it or not it comes to you, so must drink it.
3. You meet some of the most interesting people and gather some of the most interesting information.
4. Get to see things before the world does. Eg: I went for this event and saw the new ad of Hyundai i10, which is still not released.
5. Hear to some of the most boring lectures ever. Even when you know your not going to publish it, you cant get out coz it would be rude and also theres some yummy food waiting.
6. You work at odd hours before production.
7. The 'press ID card' you hold makes you feel very important.

Thats all i think of right now, will keep updating :)

Sunday 19 September 2010

A perfect man!

This post is dedicated to S.Viswanathan- Editor of Industrial Economist!At the age of 73, he is one of the most active people I know. At his age, you don't see a person going to work everyday and heading a magazine, which is a very pressurizing job by itself. He goes for events, runs around and doe all his work with so much enthusiasm. Sometimes I wonder if hes 73 or just a little youngster on his first job.

Hes been a journalist for more than 40 years and has started this magazine 43 years ago. He is the most ethical journalist I know, never ever fears to report the truth, even if he knows it might land him in some trouble. He also works for public causes and does not care about what credit he would get but what the society would.

He is also a wonderful human being, treats all his employees like family, cares for not just us but our family. He truly is a great soul and man from whom one can learn hell a lot!

Monday 13 September 2010

My little vacation!

My family decided to take a little trip to Pondy thanks to my cousin and sister in law coming down. So the plan was we would go to Pondy, have some fun and visit our native temple which is a little past cuddalore. Everything was going as per plan. On saturday we went to the beach and the Aashram and had a good time. it was decided that would leave from Pondy at 6 to go to the temple. Again things went as per plan and when we almost reached the place, there occurred this chaotic situation. The worst traffic i have seen.

From inquiring from others close by, we learnt it was a 'muhurtha naal' and hence the mad rush. I swear there must have been more 300 people just walking and many many cars, vans, cycles, autos, buses. It was just crazy. There was no order what so ever. the police finally arrived so i thought there would be some relief. Man was i wrong. The situation only got worst. I really had the urge to go tell the cop that hes doing a horrible job. (But i dint)

So we decided to walk to the temple since werent too far from it. So with great difficulty, we walked in some little spaces left for people to walk. when we were like a kilometer away from the temple, we saw around thousand people standing. we were astonished. we visit this place every year and have never ever seen this kind of crowd actually not even 1/3rd of the crowd. All this because of a few marriages?
Its just unbelievable. I think it was a few hundred marriages.

So we finally gave up and had the most difficult walk back to the car and managed to get back to Pondy without visiting the temple, sadly :( What a waste of time and getting up so early on a Sunday morning!